Sunday, October 19, 2008


...' itu yg wat awk serba byk2.trus yg slh.kerna blm menyatakan prasaan ku pd awk?tiap2 ari. aq x de henti ngat kat awk. di saat aq mrh awk yg tenang kan aq.di aq sdh awk yg wat aq gmbr.keadaan aq skg hanco.tula yg wat aq x dpt sesuaikan dr.smalam aq mimpi.awk ckp awk nak jalan ngan bdk laki nak shoping ape sdh ms tu. cinta kan bth wkt.slameni awk serba slh kan?maafkan aq wak.karna wat awk serbe slh n x slese?'..-dur, 05.24.33pm: 19.10.2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008


susah sgt ke nak faham kalo org care sgt kat die...????...susah sgt ke nak faham kalo perkataan 'menyusahkan' tu takde dalam kamus couple....?????...mcm mane la aku nak jelaskan lagik...

....aduhai hati...

aku marah ke?...agakla...sedih ke?....sangat kot...menyesal ke?...erm...ntah ekh...
marah sebab ape?...sbb...aku mudah sgt percaya kat orang...marah sebab...ape yang aku buat semua tak menjadi...marah sebab...ade orang tak tahu yang aku marah kat die....sedih plak sebab ape?....sbb...tertanya knape aku ble jadik mcm ni...sedih sbb...takde yg di sisi bile aku perlukan sgt2...sedih sbb....orang tu dah jauh....menyesal???....huhuhuhu...susah nak ckp...byk bende yang aku sesalkan...tapi takkan aku nak semak kan kepala...benda dah nak goes on...malas nak fikir2...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

...mcm nak nangis...

life is getting come?????

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

hari yang kurang memberansangkan...

nasib aku malang sikit la rini...pertama...aku bangun yang teramat lambat...kol 7.30 baru bangun...huhuhuhuhu...masuk keje kol 6.45...hampeh tol...pastu, ble bgn tgk ujan lebat gile...bilik aku smpi msk air...aku pon tak tahu datang dari mana air ujan tu...gitar aku, baju aku semua basah...bila pergi tempat letak kereta..banjir dah...ngan tanah merah nye...pastu baru reverse ckit...mak ckp tayar kete aku dah kempis...tayar pancit la pulak...terpaksa tepon angah...aku mane la pndi tukar tayar...bile dh buka, tgk paku sebesar alam...pastu, bawa la pelan2...ngan ujan lebat...ngan tayar kecik satu...smpi kat trafic lite kemayan city, aku gerak, lupa nak turunkan handbrake...smpi kilang...kete aku dah bau hangit...ape la jadik ngan aku ari ni..pastu cite la kat ameng...kene marah aku...tak pndi hati2...huhuhuhuhuhu...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

dating dlm keadaan sakit...

smlm aku gi dating...hahahaha...dahla tengah sakit...boleh la kan...duk kat tepi pantai...main gitar...aku ade gitar gak tapi tak main...denga die sorg main & nyanyi...hahahaha...die ajar aku main, tp aku mls nak igt2 sgt....marah die...die pndi gile main gitar...suke sgt...pastu jln pasir gudang...ajak die beli baju raya...die taknak plak...huhuhuhuhu...sudahnya...pergi jauh2 pegi beli buka jek...sedih tol jadi org...pastu...lepak depan umah die...chatting...die ckp ar die sedih..bla!bla!..pastu mlm nye antar die blek ganu...hari2 yang best smlm..mmuahhh...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

jalan bersama ameng dan adi...

smlm bdk 2 org tu trn jb...jumpa diorg jap...huhuhuhuhuhu...hepi la gak...dh lame tak jumpa...pegi pusing bandar pastu pergi danga...kol 11 br aku balik...hopefully dapat jmpa lagik...hehehehehe...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


smlm...marah btol ngan ameng...die ade terlepas ckp aku tak msg @ call die 1 hari...die msg aku tak bls...die call tiga2 nombor aku pon, aku tak angkat...pastu malamnye, aku call la die...die marah giler...die ckp die risau giler kalo jadi ape2 kat aku...mase die marah2 tu, tensen la gak...kite marah kat die, die marahkan kite blek...pastu die dah bising2 tuh...aku ckp ar aku tak puas hati..die ckp, die tau aku marah kat die pasal 'tu'...byk kali die ckp sori...pastu, die bising blek...die ckp...'awak tau tak ameng risau giler...dah SAYANG SANGAT..risau ape2 jadi kat awk'...hahahahahaha...automatik aku tros tak marah...happy giler...ahaks!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Myvi SE

petang ni...keluar satu myvi se pearl white...harta aku yang pertama..huhuhuhu...lps ni, nak rumah pulak...hahahaha...

Monday, August 25, 2008

...sejauh mungkin...

sedih sangat2 la petang ni...dh jauh ngan ameng...takde tpt borak...takde tpt gurau...takde tpt tipu...sedih la....tibe2 jek air mata jatuh...denga suare ameng jek tadi, mcm dh nak tahu ar la pd sape nnti aku nak aku tak bleh halang die kan...tu untuk masa depan die...aku harap semuanya ok dan berjalan lancar...aku cume bleh doakan jek...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

..rase macam jauh...

ujan ngah lebat skang ni...mcm tahu2 jek hati aku mcm mane skang ni..ameng ngan kesenyapan die...hati aku ni rase tak sedap...mcm jarak aku ngan die sgt2 jauh...sense aku jarang salah...tapi still, die nafikan...aku nak buat mcm mane...takkan nak paksa kalo org taknak b4 tu die ade ckp, kalo semua bende yang die nak buat menjadi, baru die beritahu aku...lantak la dia...tapi hati ni risau least beritahu la...die ok ke tak...die katne..etc...sejuk ckit hati ni...paling common die ckp...'awak takyah risau.ameng ok..ameng pndi bawa diri'...mmg betol la kot die dah bawa diri...itu hari lagi siap sms pelik..mcm dh taknak ckp @ jumpa aku lagi...'awak jgn mls2 mkn ekh.awk tu ske sakit perot.nnti ameng risau'...kalo die ckp time lunch @ dinner, exceptable die pesan tuh kol 2 pagi kot...gile ke ape bdk ni...huhuhuhu...ntah la...dengan ameng ni mmg kene byk2 sabar...mcm tak menjadi jek...'..cinta tak semestinya bersatu..'...


..."org marah tandanya sayang..awak tu yang tak faham..."

Saturday, August 23, 2008


smlm ameng call...haram aq tak sedar...2 kali die call...4 msg plak tuh...mrajok mamat tuh...siang ni aq msg & call, die buat bodoh jek...huhuhuhuhu...bkn salah aq...dh ngantok...sejuk plak tu..ujan lebat mlm tadi...

Friday, August 22, 2008

not in the mood

rase buhsan sgt2 la...x ble nak wat keje...knape ntah...mcm ade sst yang hilang...ape die ekh...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

horoskop aku untuk ari ni

A friend is acting sort of oddly right now, and you could be getting somewhat suspicious of them. Try not to jump to any conclusions -- there is far too little information for you to go on. Put yourself in their place. If you were having a bad day, going through some personal stuff or trying to figure out a problem, would you want your friends assuming the worst? Support them and be patient. Find out if you can help them. If they say no, then just give them space.

wah!!...terperanjat aku ble bace...macam die faham la situasi aku ngan ameng patient shasha....

ameng cakap...

aq suka ngan aca yang manis...orangnya baik dan romantis...huhuhu...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i'm so confuse...

bila dah tahu cerita yang aq nak tahu sgt2...tibe2 rasa sedih sgt2...knape?...jeles?...ntah la...jeles ker?...huhuhuhu...betol2 tak tahu...die marah ker...tak sikap die?...huargh..!!!sesungguhnya aq confuse yang teramat ni...

Monday, August 18, 2008

hari kesedihan...

bile kite sayangkan seseorang...adakah satu kesalahan kalo kite ckp, kite care kat die?...if u get something that u dream of...stay steady & firm...don't push too hard...(pengajaran buat aku)....what i'm suppose to do now?...say sorry or just stay quiet for a while???....wuargh....really dont know what to do now....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........hopefully, mlm nnti die dh, i think, x payah la contact die dulu kan?...tngu & lihat jek ar....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

mcm mane nak membantu...

1 week xde kat ofis...pergi bercuti...tenangkan hati...then ble msk keje...everything seem differ...dunno la...mcm rase, kehadiran x disenangi...perasaan jek sense never lie to me...just wait n c sha...smlm...someone call me..that guy crying..terkejut sgt2...he never say a word to me about his feeling...kalo rase sedih, marah...never told la...then, when he call, i dunno how to calm him down..ape la aq ni...act, x pndi nak pujuk mcm mane...kalo perempuan maybe quite easy coz aq perempuan...know each other feeling kot..but when GUY crying...tak tahu nak buat ape...i just stay silent...then say...dahla wak...jgn sedih2...pastu around 2 am...he msg me again..mcm nak luahkan perasaan sedih la...however i'm in deep sleep...tak tersedar td baru reply msg die...mesti die rase down sgt2...i think, he need somebody smlm...but nobody there...kawan ape la aq nak call pagi ni, i'm afraid kaco plak die...act, what i'm suppose to do in that situation...really dunno....huhuhuhu...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

karaoke bersama

smlm kuar mkn ngan hend..then terase nak gi karaoke...on da way nak pergi tu...jumpa adi, mansor ngan AMENG...huhuhuh..terkejut berok aq...berok pon kalah kot...speechless..x expect pon ble jmpa mcm tuh...diorg nak wat buduh jek...huhuhuh...hepi pon ade la gak...tipu la kalo x hepi..dpt jmpa member lame...even tpt keje belainan..even bos kt org bermusuhan...but still...friendship will never end...kan?...huhuhu...ape2 pon...smlm is the best day in my life since past 3 month...maybe itu la last time aq jmpa diorg...x tau lagi bile dpt jmpa mcm tuh..huhuhu...BEST!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


pernah tak kt rase marah smpi rase cam nak tampar & pukul org?...pernah x kt rase geram, tp x bleh nak luahkan?...pernah x kite rase sedih tp x tau nak diluahkan kat sape?...pernah x kite rase boring smpi x tau nak buat ape?...pernah x kite rase sayu tp x bleh nak menagis?... org kata aq byk sgt pendam kat dlm ke?...aku pun tak tahu..huhu..


x sempat sgt nak type kat pergi umrah, so kene in charge byk td pergi bank..pastu pergi pekan nenas..beli barang..pening la merundum byk bln ni..huhuhu..xpe2...sabar...2 ari lps naim ade dtg cni....die beli ble kite buka lori die..nmpk brg dr supplier lain..dr musuh boss..huhu...semua orgpun terkaku...diam jek la..nak wat mcm mane..duit terkilan la gak...mcm HSH betol2 nak telan kt...bak kate org yg smpikan, HSH nak telan kite smpi tinggal nama jek...x tau la betol ke aku nak masuk campur..yg aku tau..aku dh buat keje aku...ape org nak ckp..biarkan jek..lps tu, kene wat daily report kat ble aq msg, ckp de problem..boss kene settle snd, die x tepon blek pon...hampeh la jg..xkn la aku yg nak wat decision..kalo mkn kos smpi puluh ribu...nnti ada mslh, sape ssh..huhu..fed up la gak keje kat ltk kepercayaan tinggi sgt..aku plak jenis yg suke wat keje yg kalo bleh nak ble dh jadi less from the excpectation..rase stress & down sgt2....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Recently, you've been sacrificing too much of your own free time for the sake of other people. Whenever someone has asked you to come to anything you've said yes, and that has got to stop. Are you too uncomfortable having holes in your social calendar? Those holes are a great gift to give yourself -- time to relax and do whatever it is you feel like doing. By being so social, you are losing some of your independence. Make sure you get some alone time soon.

Monday, July 7, 2008

kejujuran & tanggungjawab

kadang2 kan aq terfikir...zaman sekarang ni, brape org jujur sahaja yg tinggal kat dunia ni...sbb apekan..sekeliling aq ni rmi sgt yg x jujur...ckp suke berbelit...smpikan aq terfikir..dh xleh nak percaye kat sape2 lg...even our own family...kejujuran tu cam sebutir mutiara di pantai...susah sgt nak cari..knape...susah sgt ker nk berkata jujur...kate org, biarla ia menyakitkan rasenye kan lagi manis..kite x rase bersalah...kalo dh selalu sgt menipu..smpikan org dah tak x ble nak bezakan jujur @ tidak dlm kata2 kite...ntahla mungkin mmg btol dh akhir zaman...kemudian, isu lain yg aku nak bangkitkan kat sini..ialah tanggungjawab...skop aku nak specified...tanggungjawab dlm pekerjaan...diorg ni x rase ker...ble dh mkn gaji tu...patutnye perlu responsible ngan tugas yg diberikan..ini tidk...di bagi 1 tugas, diberinye kat org lain...lps tu si org lain pass lagi kat org lain...x ker hampeh tu namanye...knape aq rase aku sorg jek yg ble kata sgt responsible ngan keje aq kat cni?...huhuhu....

Friday, July 4, 2008

a broken love..

i shed a thousand tears, hoping that it can wash me away, drown me into a bodyless soul and i pray that i'll be strong, because i'm weak, i'm hopeless...this broken love is like thousands of dead roses...i'm broken into pieces, i need happiness, to hold me trust and care isn't what we have in each other..loving you was enough and the love we had is not so true...forget about the memories we have...tears are more beutiful...i paint on fake smiles, wishing they could hide me from emptiness, because without your presence, i're the person who i'd die situation changed me and won't be ours no more, i hope this is a dream and it will come to end....

Monday, June 30, 2008

related la..

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)
Right now your brain is wide open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. Stepping out of your comfort zone has never felt so good, so take a walk on the wild side and remind yourself what it's like to feel a little out of your element! There has never been a better time in your life to explore a new hobby or interest. How about checking out a career opportunity that you have been thinking about pursuing for a while? You are about to enter a very sweet and worry-free time in your life.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

project in mind

mase ngah kira duit sale td, tibe2 tefikir 1 idea...trus tulis kat cni...takot terlupa..aku nak buka bisnes-diet&fitness...main purpose adlh nk kurangkan org yang obes kat m' pertama aku, mestilah family member...hahaha...aku nak wat 1 permakanan +, sambil kawal permakanan..bleh jadi sihat..sbb aku tgk, org yg diet ni, x seimbang gaya hidup diorg..diorg igt, kalo x mkn berbulan2, diet bleh berkesan...lps tu lemah x bertenaga...aku kene tukar persepsi diet ni..(besarnya angan2), aku nak cari kawan2 aku yang ade idea..yang bleh kasi kat aku..aku nak buat paperwork...modal & tapak maybe dh ade kat aku, oke..?

Friday, June 27, 2008

keje lagi...

PERGH!!!..penat sgt hari ni..pagi tadi uruskan barang lim kat pekan nenas..pastu tengah hari urusan bank..then, urusan ngan suplier s'pore...lps break..urusan kat dlm ofis...then pergi senai, amik barang lagik...ptg ni plak sepatutnye kene hantar barang customer kat kota tinggi...dh tak larat...forklift plak rusak..mati la kalo nak suruh bdk2 ni angkat brg 1 tan...huhuhu..mcm mane ni..mase cam bejalan cepat jek..dh nak ttp account...stok blum kira lagi...dh ujung bln ni...kene kire gaji pekerja plak...HUARGH!!!!mcm nak nangis...keje x pernah abis..mcm mane la nak resign...giler kalo mcm nih...skang ni nak update petty cash..then nak balek..huhuhu...


itu hari...TERmarah kat someone close...aku & dia mmg rapat act..then..aku ade terlepas ckp something..maybe die terasa...pastu, dh 2 hari die dh x msg...camne ekh?...x pndi btol nak pujuk org...kalo buat buduh..nnti aku yg rindu..ahaks!..HOW????

Thursday, June 26, 2008


penatla..byk gile keje...pening kepala aku dibuatnye...pagi td juz uruskan petty cash...expenses bln ni sgt la melampau...sales plak turun mendadak...then, ptg ni..uruskan hal purchase...kene handle 3 supplier...mcm2 kehendak...cerewet pun iye...especially, supplier yang kat senai..kalo xnk bagi kite barang, ckp jekla..byk plak die nye request..dasar cina..pastu td, man baker call..tanye psl HSH...knape x amik brg diorg..x faham bahasa dah ckp cina siot tuh dh xnk bagi barang..xde la brgnye..xkan kite nak mengemis plak...iyela kan..yg handle barang kat sane skarang, ex-worker boss..pride punye hal la ni...huh!...malas nak masuk campur...byk sgt prob 2 bln akhir ni...perasaan nak cabot lekas tuh dah makin cam x best plak..xkan la nak blah time company ngah ade krisis kan..whatever...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

..ucapan pembukaan...

thanks pade miki yg ajar sha buat blog ni...hahahahahaha....
...yesterday is my burfday...24 june..siang, bz ngan keje...pergi s'pore..cari supplier baru...sbb kt org kene boikot ngan sekelompok manusia yg sgt jeles ngan kemantapan bisnes kt org...diorg main kotor ar kirenye...sekat kt orgnye barang...bkn brg yg illegal oke...then...mlm br celebrate...dpt 2 biji kek..dua2 pon my fav...1 whole choc..1 lg toping buah (strawberi, peach, kiwi n nenas)...lupe nak amek gamba...xpe2 nnti aq cilok dari akak aq...hehe...((miki, dh cukup pjg blom ni as a starter))...hahaha