Thursday, August 28, 2008

Myvi SE

petang ni...keluar satu myvi se pearl white...harta aku yang pertama..huhuhuhu...lps ni, nak rumah pulak...hahahaha...

Monday, August 25, 2008

...sejauh mungkin...

sedih sangat2 la petang ni...dh jauh ngan ameng...takde tpt borak...takde tpt gurau...takde tpt tipu...sedih la....tibe2 jek air mata jatuh...denga suare ameng jek tadi, mcm dh nak tahu ar la pd sape nnti aku nak aku tak bleh halang die kan...tu untuk masa depan die...aku harap semuanya ok dan berjalan lancar...aku cume bleh doakan jek...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

..rase macam jauh...

ujan ngah lebat skang ni...mcm tahu2 jek hati aku mcm mane skang ni..ameng ngan kesenyapan die...hati aku ni rase tak sedap...mcm jarak aku ngan die sgt2 jauh...sense aku jarang salah...tapi still, die nafikan...aku nak buat mcm mane...takkan nak paksa kalo org taknak b4 tu die ade ckp, kalo semua bende yang die nak buat menjadi, baru die beritahu aku...lantak la dia...tapi hati ni risau least beritahu la...die ok ke tak...die katne..etc...sejuk ckit hati ni...paling common die ckp...'awak takyah risau.ameng ok..ameng pndi bawa diri'...mmg betol la kot die dah bawa diri...itu hari lagi siap sms pelik..mcm dh taknak ckp @ jumpa aku lagi...'awak jgn mls2 mkn ekh.awk tu ske sakit perot.nnti ameng risau'...kalo die ckp time lunch @ dinner, exceptable die pesan tuh kol 2 pagi kot...gile ke ape bdk ni...huhuhuhu...ntah la...dengan ameng ni mmg kene byk2 sabar...mcm tak menjadi jek...'..cinta tak semestinya bersatu..'...


..."org marah tandanya sayang..awak tu yang tak faham..."

Saturday, August 23, 2008


smlm ameng call...haram aq tak sedar...2 kali die call...4 msg plak tuh...mrajok mamat tuh...siang ni aq msg & call, die buat bodoh jek...huhuhuhuhu...bkn salah aq...dh ngantok...sejuk plak tu..ujan lebat mlm tadi...

Friday, August 22, 2008

not in the mood

rase buhsan sgt2 la...x ble nak wat keje...knape ntah...mcm ade sst yang hilang...ape die ekh...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

horoskop aku untuk ari ni

A friend is acting sort of oddly right now, and you could be getting somewhat suspicious of them. Try not to jump to any conclusions -- there is far too little information for you to go on. Put yourself in their place. If you were having a bad day, going through some personal stuff or trying to figure out a problem, would you want your friends assuming the worst? Support them and be patient. Find out if you can help them. If they say no, then just give them space.

wah!!...terperanjat aku ble bace...macam die faham la situasi aku ngan ameng patient shasha....

ameng cakap...

aq suka ngan aca yang manis...orangnya baik dan romantis...huhuhu...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

i'm so confuse...

bila dah tahu cerita yang aq nak tahu sgt2...tibe2 rasa sedih sgt2...knape?...jeles?...ntah la...jeles ker?...huhuhuhu...betol2 tak tahu...die marah ker...tak sikap die?...huargh..!!!sesungguhnya aq confuse yang teramat ni...

Monday, August 18, 2008

hari kesedihan...

bile kite sayangkan seseorang...adakah satu kesalahan kalo kite ckp, kite care kat die?...if u get something that u dream of...stay steady & firm...don't push too hard...(pengajaran buat aku)....what i'm suppose to do now?...say sorry or just stay quiet for a while???....wuargh....really dont know what to do now....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........hopefully, mlm nnti die dh, i think, x payah la contact die dulu kan?...tngu & lihat jek ar....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

mcm mane nak membantu...

1 week xde kat ofis...pergi bercuti...tenangkan hati...then ble msk keje...everything seem differ...dunno la...mcm rase, kehadiran x disenangi...perasaan jek sense never lie to me...just wait n c sha...smlm...someone call me..that guy crying..terkejut sgt2...he never say a word to me about his feeling...kalo rase sedih, marah...never told la...then, when he call, i dunno how to calm him down..ape la aq ni...act, x pndi nak pujuk mcm mane...kalo perempuan maybe quite easy coz aq perempuan...know each other feeling kot..but when GUY crying...tak tahu nak buat ape...i just stay silent...then say...dahla wak...jgn sedih2...pastu around 2 am...he msg me again..mcm nak luahkan perasaan sedih la...however i'm in deep sleep...tak tersedar td baru reply msg die...mesti die rase down sgt2...i think, he need somebody smlm...but nobody there...kawan ape la aq nak call pagi ni, i'm afraid kaco plak die...act, what i'm suppose to do in that situation...really dunno....huhuhuhu...