Sunday, July 27, 2008

karaoke bersama

smlm kuar mkn ngan hend..then terase nak gi karaoke...on da way nak pergi tu...jumpa adi, mansor ngan AMENG...huhuhuh..terkejut berok aq...berok pon kalah kot...speechless..x expect pon ble jmpa mcm tuh...diorg nak wat buduh jek...huhuhuh...hepi pon ade la gak...tipu la kalo x hepi..dpt jmpa member lame...even tpt keje belainan..even bos kt org bermusuhan...but still...friendship will never end...kan?...huhuhu...ape2 pon...smlm is the best day in my life since past 3 month...maybe itu la last time aq jmpa diorg...x tau lagi bile dpt jmpa mcm tuh..huhuhu...BEST!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


pernah tak kt rase marah smpi rase cam nak tampar & pukul org?...pernah x kt rase geram, tp x bleh nak luahkan?...pernah x kite rase sedih tp x tau nak diluahkan kat sape?...pernah x kite rase boring smpi x tau nak buat ape?...pernah x kite rase sayu tp x bleh nak menagis?... org kata aq byk sgt pendam kat dlm ke?...aku pun tak tahu..huhu..


x sempat sgt nak type kat pergi umrah, so kene in charge byk td pergi bank..pastu pergi pekan nenas..beli barang..pening la merundum byk bln ni..huhuhu..xpe2...sabar...2 ari lps naim ade dtg cni....die beli ble kite buka lori die..nmpk brg dr supplier lain..dr musuh boss..huhu...semua orgpun terkaku...diam jek la..nak wat mcm mane..duit terkilan la gak...mcm HSH betol2 nak telan kt...bak kate org yg smpikan, HSH nak telan kite smpi tinggal nama jek...x tau la betol ke aku nak masuk campur..yg aku tau..aku dh buat keje aku...ape org nak ckp..biarkan jek..lps tu, kene wat daily report kat ble aq msg, ckp de problem..boss kene settle snd, die x tepon blek pon...hampeh la jg..xkn la aku yg nak wat decision..kalo mkn kos smpi puluh ribu...nnti ada mslh, sape ssh..huhu..fed up la gak keje kat ltk kepercayaan tinggi sgt..aku plak jenis yg suke wat keje yg kalo bleh nak ble dh jadi less from the excpectation..rase stress & down sgt2....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Recently, you've been sacrificing too much of your own free time for the sake of other people. Whenever someone has asked you to come to anything you've said yes, and that has got to stop. Are you too uncomfortable having holes in your social calendar? Those holes are a great gift to give yourself -- time to relax and do whatever it is you feel like doing. By being so social, you are losing some of your independence. Make sure you get some alone time soon.

Monday, July 7, 2008

kejujuran & tanggungjawab

kadang2 kan aq terfikir...zaman sekarang ni, brape org jujur sahaja yg tinggal kat dunia ni...sbb apekan..sekeliling aq ni rmi sgt yg x jujur...ckp suke berbelit...smpikan aq terfikir..dh xleh nak percaye kat sape2 lg...even our own family...kejujuran tu cam sebutir mutiara di pantai...susah sgt nak cari..knape...susah sgt ker nk berkata jujur...kate org, biarla ia menyakitkan rasenye kan lagi manis..kite x rase bersalah...kalo dh selalu sgt menipu..smpikan org dah tak x ble nak bezakan jujur @ tidak dlm kata2 kite...ntahla mungkin mmg btol dh akhir zaman...kemudian, isu lain yg aku nak bangkitkan kat sini..ialah tanggungjawab...skop aku nak specified...tanggungjawab dlm pekerjaan...diorg ni x rase ker...ble dh mkn gaji tu...patutnye perlu responsible ngan tugas yg diberikan..ini tidk...di bagi 1 tugas, diberinye kat org lain...lps tu si org lain pass lagi kat org lain...x ker hampeh tu namanye...knape aq rase aku sorg jek yg ble kata sgt responsible ngan keje aq kat cni?...huhuhu....

Friday, July 4, 2008

a broken love..

i shed a thousand tears, hoping that it can wash me away, drown me into a bodyless soul and i pray that i'll be strong, because i'm weak, i'm hopeless...this broken love is like thousands of dead roses...i'm broken into pieces, i need happiness, to hold me trust and care isn't what we have in each other..loving you was enough and the love we had is not so true...forget about the memories we have...tears are more beutiful...i paint on fake smiles, wishing they could hide me from emptiness, because without your presence, i're the person who i'd die situation changed me and won't be ours no more, i hope this is a dream and it will come to end....